Trap Shoot for Huntington Disease
Date: Saturday August 11th, 2012
Time: 9 am
Place: Rondeau Rod and Gun Club, 10260 Campbell Line Blenheim ON
Entry Fee: $25
$25 entry fee includes 100 birds, lewis system, a chance for cash prizes, a
chance at door prizes and lunch. By attending this
event, you will be helping to raise funds to support the Huntington Society of
Canada's fight against HD, through their programs in research, education,
individual and family services.
Huntington disease is a fatal
hereditary brain disorder with devastating effects on both the mind and body.
It is like having Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Schizophrenia all at the same
time. A child born to a parent with HD has a 50% chance of sharing the same
fate. There is no cure. The Huntington Society of Canada is a national network of
volunteers and professionals working to find new treatments and ultimately a
cure for people with HD and their families.
For more information or to start pledging, please contact Dave Ulch at (519)
354-3692 or email
by Richard Rosenthal