“Prevent Kitchen Fires and Get Cooking with Fire Safety!”
Fire Prevention Week runs from October 6-12 this year,
and the theme for 2013 is “Prevent Kitchen Fires and Get Cooking with Fire
“The best way to prevent kitchen fires is to never leave
cooking unattended,” says Fire Chief Bruce Montone. “Unattended cooking
is the leading cause of home fires and injuries in the province.”
Important steps to prevent kitchen fires include:
- Pay attention when cooking - especially if you are
using oil or high temperatures. If you must leave for any reason, turn off
the stove.
- Wear tight-fitting or rolled up sleeves when using
the stove. Loose, dangling clothing can easily catch fire.
- Keep a proper fitting lid near the stove. If a pot
catches fire, slide the lid over the pot and turn off the stove.
- Never attempt to move a burning pot.
- Keep a close eye on anyone in your household who is
drinking and attempts to cook.
"Often when we're called to a fire that started in
the kitchen, the residents tell us that they only left the kitchen for a few
minutes," says Chief Montone. "Sadly, that's all it takes for a
dangerous fire to start. Help keep our community safe by taking responsibility
to prevent fires from starting in the first place."
Windsor Fire and Rescue will be holding a number of
events throughout the week to raise public awareness about Fire Prevention Week
and the importance of preventing kitchen fires.
Highlights of the week’s events include:
Fire truck appearances and educational material to be
distributed at a selection of local stores on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Fire truck appearances and public safety talks at
recreation facilities and schools throughout the week.
Educational booths, truck rides and activities for kids
and the whole family at Devonshire Mall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Truck rides and a fire safety booth at Tecumseh Mall on
Friday and Saturday.
Follow Windsor Fire and Rescue Services on Twitter
@WindsorFire1 or visit www.windsorfire.com
to learn more about Fire Prevention Week 2013 activities.
by Richard Rosenthal