Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Congratulations to our new government

A few weeks ago I wrote on this blog that I had an easy decision in this election to vote for the Conservative candidate in my riding because Ms. Gignac was an outstanding member of City Council and hard worker for her community and because I believe the Conservatives did a good job managing our country. My opinion has not changed on either of those points.
However, Canada is a democracy and our citizens have decided to elect Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party to lead us forward. I fully support that decision and believe that Mr. Trudeau will try to do everything he has promised. That will be good for the country and all Canadians.
Listening to his acceptance speech tonight I was inspired by his words. He said that he would listen to all the elected members from all the parties. He spoke about how his campaign and platform were based on what he heard from Canadians were the things most important to them. I believe that he meant what he said and I hope that he is able to complete his goals. I'm not unrealistic and know that some will be modified and some may fall by the wayside because plans are plans and have to be flexible to meet changing conditions. But if he can manage to achieve a major portion of his goals and vision for Canada it will be a blessing for all Canadians.
Let's all get behind our new government and help move forward in any way we can.

by Richard Rosenthal

Monday, October 19, 2015

Soups On! Windsor Downtown Mission Starts Six O'clock Soup Program

In response to changing needs and continued increasing numbers of people in need the Downtown Mission will begin a pilot project called Six O’clock Soup, to meet the increasing requests for supplemental meal assistance from people who are struggling with hunger and poverty.
The program debuted on October 1st and marked the beginning of an new era for the Windsor Downtown Mission as it formally begins operations as a 24/7 social service provider.

“There is a definite need for this program,” said Ron Dunn, Executive Director. “The increase in people we see daily for the lunch meal has been astounding. If they are hungry at lunch they will be hungry later in the day. We will be there, to be that safe place, to receive sustenance for the night ahead and be a shelter from the elements as autumn and winter set in.”
The Windsor Downtown Mission currently provides a lunch meal that serves about 250 people a day. In the evening the Mission’s Sanctuary Program provides a crash bed shelter program for 25 people per evening. In the morning the people who have been assisted through the Sanctuary Program also receive coffee and a breakfast.

While the Six O’clock Soup program is a pilot program, the Windsor Downtown Mission is confident that it will be able to sustain its long-term viability. “The Mission will find the resources to deliver this important new imitative. That being said, we are looking to partner with some of our friends in the restaurant community to be part of a rotation, and prepare a nourishing soup to serve the people being supported in the program. We also encourage the members of our corporate sector to consider sponsoring our soup program to help secure its permanence,” Dunn said.
Volunteers to help serve the soup are also welcome. Potential soup program sponsors, restauranteurs and volunteers can contact the Downtown Mission at 519-973-5573 for more information.

by Richard Rosenthal