Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eddie Francis - the big decision

Today's Windsor Star editorial accurately reflects my view of how Eddie Francis has served his community so well during his tenure as our Mayor. There are few during my lifetime in this City who have led as well, honestly and energetically.
From a very selfish view, I would like to see him run again but from a personal view Eddie has to make a choice that suits the needs of his young family and his future career.
He will have no trouble finding an alternative career path that can earn him substantially more money than what is accorded the Mayor. He can move into the corporate world and lead a company or practice law.
But this is a choice for his family to make. There will be pressures in any other path he chooses and they may be as daunting or more so. But again, its his choice.
And what about the City? Can we survive without Eddie? Of course we can. There will be others who will come forward and while their style and philosophy may be different they will rise to the challenge and serve our community as past Mayors have.
We have had great Mayors before like David Croll and Bert Weeks who had different political priorities but led the entire community not just their political consituency.
So, thank you Eddie from this Windsorite. Make the choice you need to make for you and your family. I for one will always respect and appreciate your leadership, whatever that choice is.
by Richard Rosenthal

1 comment:

  1. We need Eddie for another term or two or three! He's a fantastic Mayor it is imperative he continues to run our city... If he goes..I go!
